Energize Don’t Hide Highlight: Run for Jessica
May 25, 2022
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JP and his wife are dedicating their Energize Don’t Hide journey in honour and remembrance of their daughter Jessica.

Jessica with her dog Milo
“Jessica was a remarkable young woman—smart, talented, hardworking, beautiful, kind, and generous. A person who spent a lot of time volunteering to help others, but somehow became overwhelmed and succumbed to [her own] mental health challenges,” said Jessica’s father JP.
By participating in our Energize Don’t Hide Challenge, JP and his family are aiming to end the stigma against mental health and encourage others to reach out for services when they need it most.
“We had very little understanding of the widespread impacts that mental health issues and specifically suicide are having on all our communities and families. We have learned how it knows no boundaries and impacts people from all walks of life – no one is immune – and we all need to do anything we can do to help raise awareness and help even one person who is struggling.”
JP and his wife will continue Jessica’s legacy by supporting not just CMHA Calgary, but the Distress Centre, which offers 24-hour crisis support, and Outrun the Stigma, a non-profit organizing annual runs to fundraise and share stories about mental health.
As for their own Energize Don’t Hide journeys, JP and his wife will walk and cycle daily to hit their active minutes to ensure their physical and mental health.
To donate to Run for Jessica, please visit their Energize Don’t Hide team page.
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Our Peer Support program services can be accessed over the phone at 403-297-1402 or through email at We have teamed up with other Calgary agencies to help Calgarians quickly and easily access various counselling and social supports. Visit, where you can book online for our Suicide Bereavement and Family Support Counselling, and other supports. If you prefer to still book through us, please phone (403-297-1708), or email (