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Laid Off? How to Maintain Your Mental Health

Many Albertans are losing their jobs in the current economic downturn. The impacts of job loss are far more than just a matter of lost income. For many people job loss generates anxiety and uncertainty that can impact their mental health.

84a597_4dc1a3d153c24300a9ab6d5beff65959Feeling frustration, worry, anxiety, anger, and grief when a layoff occurs is normal. Make an effort to stay in touch with others who are facing the new reality of looking for work and coping with massive change. Allow yourself time to work through your emotions. It takes time to heal, and everyone responds differently.

The good news is that we can take steps to help maintain balance and move forward.  Keep in mind that job loss during an economic downturn is part of the changing employment landscape, not a reflection of your work or worth.

Taking positive action early can reduce anxiety and create hope. Here are some things you will need to do soon:

While you are looking for work:

Here are some tips for supporting a loved one experiencing a layoff:

Other resources in Alberta include:

Our Peer Support program services can be accessed over the phone at 403-297-1402 or through email at
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