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Strategic Plan

As Calgary’s leading community mental health agency*, Canadian Mental Health Association – Calgary Region (CMHA Calgary) helps Calgarians by reducing the impact of mental illness and addiction in our community. As our city emerges from the pandemic, many among us are facing the social, economic, and emotional consequences of a prolonged public health emergency. CMHA Calgary will play a critical role in addressing the effects of the pandemic.

CMHA Calgary faces its own challenges. Demand for our services is increasing and the pandemic restricts how we serve our community members. Technology offers new avenues for service delivery and is also disrupting traditional treatment models. Donors and government are eager to help, and competition among not-for-profits is high with the economic fallout.

Against this challenging backdrop, our 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan will set CMHA Calgary up for success in serving community members.

As a client-focused organization, we will remain an important gateway for our clients as they navigate the complexities of their mental health journey. We will promote peer support models and reduce the stigma around mental health as we serve a clientele growing in size and diversity.

In our efforts to become a role model employer, we will offer our employees a wellness-oriented culture based on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We will introduce strategies to develop, engage, and retain our team members.

We will continue to build on our reputation for innovation by partnering with organizations that help us fulfill our mission. Together, we will prove our value for the community through evidence-based models, fiscal responsibility, partnerships, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

Our strategic plan is built around the following ideal future state:

Together, we demonstrate value to the community through evidence-based models, fiscal responsibility, partnerships, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

The full Strategic Plan can be found here 

*In all places throughout this document mental health refers to mental health and addictions

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