January 26 is Bell Let’s Talk Day
Jan 26, 2022
Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022
This year marks the 12th anniversary of Bell Let’s Talk Day.
Bell Let’s Talk is a campaign dedicated to moving and shifting how mental health is perceived and treated in Canada.
Once again, the Bell Let’s Talk initiative set a new record last year with 159,173,435 messages of support for mental health and $7,958,671.75 more in Bell funding for Canadian mental health.
This year in 2022, Bell Canada wants to continue making a difference by encouraging Canadians to keep listening, keep talking, and keep being there for themselves, and others as COVID-19 surges on as a critical deterrent of mental health and wellness.
As a proud community partner in the Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign, we invite you to join the conversation and help create positive change with us.
Join The Conversation
Today, Bell Canada will donate 5 cents to various Canadian mental health programs when Canadians follow the virtual interactions listed below.
Community Funds For Recovery College
As part of the Bell Let’s Talk mental health initiative, the Community Fund provides annual donations of up to $25,000 to charitable organizations to fund mental health services and supports in communities across Canada.

Recovery College courses have been developed with community input to provide credible information applicable to Calgary’s diverse communities.
Bell Canada generously chose CMHA Calgary as a Community Fund recipient and has awarded $18,000 in funding to go towards expanding the growth and delivery of our Recovery College program.
Our Recovery College program focuses on delivering free, educational-based courses that help people recognize and develop their own resourcefulness in order to support themselves, or others in their recovery journeys.
All courses are curated in partnership with our Peer Support Workers who base their teachings on personal lived experience.
“This grant will allow CMHA Calgary to reach more people through our Recovery College courses, support individuals along a continuum of wellness, empower them to identify personal mental health needs, and engage with mental health services without lengthy registration and intake processes.”
– CMHA Calgary Executive Director, Sara Jordan
Since operating exclusively online since March 2020, 88% of our Recovery College students found easy access to courses, while 93% of students felt like they had opportunities to contribute to the activities and discussions held in courses.
“Bell Let’s Talk is pleased to help CMHA Calgary continue to deliver their Recovery College courses so that more people in the Calgary area can get the support and help they need for their mental health and wellness,” said Mary Deacon, Chair of Bell Let’s Talk.
“The Bell Let’s Talk Community Fund provides grants to community-based mental health organizations like CMHA Calgary throughout the country that are working to expand access to mental health care for people close to home.”
Resources and Tools
To join the conversation further and help create positive change, the Bell Let’s Talk Toolkit consists of simple everyday tools that can be used to take action to support mental health, including a conversation guide, workplace activities and social media images.
If you or someone you know needs mental health support, please connect with our Peer Support. Our Peer Support program services can be accessed over the phone at 403-297-1402 or through email at
Counselling programs for Suicide Bereavement and Family Support are also available by phone at 403-297-1708, email or online through Community Connect YYC.
Our Peer Support program services can be accessed over the phone at 403-297-1402 or through email at We have teamed up with other Calgary agencies to help Calgarians quickly and easily access various counselling and social supports. Visit, where you can book online for our Suicide Bereavement and Family Support Counselling, and other supports. If you prefer to still book through us, please phone (403-297-1708), or email (