APRIL 2021 - MARCH 2022

Annual Report

This year was the first full year of working towards the achievement of our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and we’d like to share our progress towards those goals.

We invite you to take some time to watch the videos with our team, read our stories, and learn more about how CMHA Calgary is working towards mental health for all.


APRIL 2021 - MARCH 2022

Annual Report

This year was the first full year of working towards the achievement of our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, and we’d like to share our progress towards those goals.

We invite you to take some time to watch the videos with our team, read our stories, and learn more about how CMHA Calgary is working towards mental health for all.


Strategic Plan

CMHA Calgary is making strides to find innovative ways to serve our community. Last year, we launched the 2021 – 2025 Strategic Plan that will guide our efforts as we move forward together. With this plan, and our values of respect, recovery, empowerment, self-awareness, partnership, excellence, client-focused and teamwork, we can achieve our mission of promoting resilient and mentally healthy communities through wellness and recovery-oriented supports and services. In the following pages, we are pleased to share how we have been making strides towards our goals.

Executive Messages

Canadian Mental Health Association – Calgary Region (CMHA Calgary) is led by passionate, hard-working people to make sure that our community can access the mental health supports they need. Dr. Michael Trew, CMHA Calgary Board Chair, and Sara Jordan, CMHA Calgary Executive Director, take a look back on our 2021 to 2022 year.

Read the Executive Messages

Client Outcome Highlights


Individuals reached through
Community Education sessions


Client reported increase in not being dominated by symptoms


New individuals signed up
for services with CMHA Calgary

Financial Statements

Year ended March 31, 2022, with comparative figures for 2021


Read the Full Financial Statements Here
President and Chair Dr. Michael Trew
Past President Rick Wise
Provincial Board Representative Kerry Brown Heidi Schubert
Board Members
Debasis Bhaumik Kerry Brown Ted Bobier Joanne Dial Fraser Gordon Nancy Laird Asheley Newmarch Wayne Patton Hope Sanderson Heidi Schubert Kerilee Snatenchuk Steve Sproule Dr. Michael Trew Sandra Umpherville Rick Wise