CMHA Calgary's Blog

CMHA Calgary’s mental health blog aims to raise awareness, provide hope, build community, and promote mental wellness through personal stories, mental health tips and information, expert opinions and community insights.

Inspire Hope With a #NoteToSelf

Be inspired by the voices within our community with CMHA Calgary's #NoteToSelf. Take a moment for self-compassion by reading, reflecting and sharing your own #NoteToSelf.

  • Blog

    Debunking Myths About Peer Support

    When it comes to navigating mental health challenges, seeking support is essential. However, there a...

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  • 21-22 Annual Report

    2021-2022 Report to the Community

    CMHA Calgary is making strides to find innovative ways to serve our community. Last year, we launche...

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  • Blog

    Help Support Youth Mental Health this Back-To-School Season

    “The bell had just rung. Students expressed their gratitude as they trickled into the bustling...

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  • Blog

    Support CMHA Calgary this spring!

    In times when individuals are struggling most, they need someone there, not to solve the problem, bu...

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  • Blog

    Stress Management: Taking Control of Your Stress

    It may feel as though there is very little you can do about stress. Whether it’s balancing per...

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  • Blog

    Community Supporter: TC Energy

    This past holiday season, North American energy provider TC Energy chose to support CMHA Calgary by ...

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  • Blog

    January 26 is Bell Let’s Talk Day

    Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022 This year marks the 12th anniversary of Bell Let’s Talk Day. Be...

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  • Blog

    Combating The Myth of Blue Monday

    The ‘Blue Monday’ Myth The infamous ‘Blue Monday’ falls annually on the third Monday of Janu...

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  • Blog

    Support CMHA Calgary This Holiday Season

    It’s hard to believe that we are quickly coming to the end of 2021, and what a year it has been. D...

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