CMHA Calgary's Blog

CMHA Calgary’s mental health blog aims to raise awareness, provide hope, build community, and promote mental wellness through personal stories, mental health tips and information, expert opinions and community insights.

Inspire Hope With a #NoteToSelf

Be inspired by the voices within our community with CMHA Calgary's #NoteToSelf. Take a moment for self-compassion by reading, reflecting and sharing your own #NoteToSelf.

  • Blog

    November 5th is Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    Every year, over 500 people die by suicide in Alberta. Those left behind are left to navigate an oft...

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  • Blog

    Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    Every year, over 500 people die by suicide in Alberta. Those left behind are left to navigate an oft...

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    How To Build Resilience After Loss

    CMHA Calgary counsellor, Mariela, defines resiliency as the process of adapting in the face of adver...

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    Celebrating Life After Suicide Loss

    When losing someone to suicide, it is sometimes tough afterwards to celebrate not only our loved one...

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    The Importance of Men’s Mental Health

    Although tremendous leaps have been made surrounding men’s mental health in the past decade—...

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    How To Confront Your Grief & Loss

    CMHA Calgary offers counselling to family members or friends living and coping with a relative or si...

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    Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    Every year, over 500 people die by suicide in Alberta. Those left behind are left to navigate an oft...

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    November 21, 2020 is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

    Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is an international day of building support and offering community res...

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    No One Deserves To Suffer in Silence – David Grant’s Story

    On the evening of April 9, 2015, the world I known would change forever.  I had come from work expe...

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