CMHA Calgary's Blog

CMHA Calgary’s mental health blog aims to raise awareness, provide hope, build community, and promote mental wellness through personal stories, mental health tips and information, expert opinions and community insights.

Inspire Hope With a #NoteToSelf

Be inspired by the voices within our community with CMHA Calgary's #NoteToSelf. Take a moment for self-compassion by reading, reflecting and sharing your own #NoteToSelf.

  • Blog

    International Women’s Day: #BreaktheBias

    Every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8. A day of strength, reflection, and...

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    January 26 is Bell Let’s Talk Day

    Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022 This year marks the 12th anniversary of Bell Let’s Talk Day. Be...

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    Appreciating International Day of Education

    Not all youth have the opportunity to sit at a desk and learn from a teacher. For some children, the...

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    Combating The Myth of Blue Monday

    The ‘Blue Monday’ Myth The infamous ‘Blue Monday’ falls annually on the third Monday of Janu...

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    September 30 Is Truth & Reconciliation Day

    On June 3, 2021, The Government of Canada passed legislation (Bill C-5) to recognize every September...

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    September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day

    How to help someone thinking about suicide By Canadian Mental Health Association’s Centre for Suic...

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    July 30 is International Friendship Day

    The idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace effo...

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    The Women of CMHA Calgary

    International Women’s Day 2021 Every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated on Ma...

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    February 24 is Pink Shirt Day

    How Did Pink Shirt Day Start? CKNW Kids’ Fund’s Pink Shirt Day aims to raise awareness o...

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