October 5 is National Depression Screening Day
Oct 5, 2020

Normalizing Depression on National Depression Screening Day
As a part of their initiative to create more awareness for mental health issues, Calgary Counselling Centre (CCC) is encouraging the public to participate in National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) from October 5 – 11, 2020.
National Depression Screening Day is completely spearheaded by Calgary Counselling Centre. Their goal with this project is to receive as many tests as possible while recognizing that mental health issues are globally identified and can be treated by professionals.
Through a short online test, participants will be able to be screened for depressive symptoms anonymously. Knowing the results will give each test taker a better understanding of where they are at with their mental health and if they should take the necessary steps to receive professional help.
Additionally, participants will have complete access to a free downloadable self-care kit which includes tools, resources and strategies for addressing your mental health.

In any given year, 1 in 5 people in Canada will personally experience a mental health problem or illness. Mental illness affects people of all ages, education, income levels and cultures (CMHA National)
Being Aware of your Mental Health
As depression continues to be the leading cause of disability around the world, it’s important to note that the best and most rewarding action to take will be the hardest to do — and that is to reach out.
According to Calgary Counselling Centre, less than half of those who experience depression will seek medical treatment. This happens because of many reasons with one of the main causes being the stigma behind mental illness.
“This year, more than ever, with everything that is happening in the world, we’re expecting to see an increase in depression and related issues, which makes NDSD critically important.”
Katherine Hurtig | Calgary Counselling Centre
With the anonymity and accessibility of the National Depression Screening Day test, people from all over the world can narrow down what is hindering their psychological health and discover a solution that is best suited for them.
Kindly encourage your family members, friends and co-workers to participate in the National Depression Screening test happening from October 5 – 11, 2020.
For access to the NDSD test, please visit
If you’re struggling with your depression and want to reach out for counselling, please call Calgary Counselling Centre at 1-833-827-4229 or register online at

Our Peer Support program services can be accessed over the phone at 403-297-1402 or through email at We have teamed up with other Calgary agencies to help Calgarians quickly and easily access various counselling and social supports. Visit, where you can book online for our Suicide Bereavement and Family Support Counselling, and other supports. If you prefer to still book through us, please phone (403-297-1708), or email (