CMHA Calgary's Blog

CMHA Calgary’s mental health blog aims to raise awareness, provide hope, build community, and promote mental wellness through personal stories, mental health tips and information, expert opinions and community insights.

Inspire Hope With a #NoteToSelf

Be inspired by the voices within our community with CMHA Calgary's #NoteToSelf. Take a moment for self-compassion by reading, reflecting and sharing your own #NoteToSelf.

  • Blog

    Reach Your Peak for Mental Health

    This blog post was written by Nicola and Courtney Small from Reach Your Peak Naturals Over the last ...

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    Buddy Up for Men’s Suicide Prevention

    Men die by suicide at an alarming rate. Here’s what you can do. Buddy Up, created by Centre for Su...

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    June 2021 Is Buddy Up Month

    Join The Buddy Up Challenge Buddy Up is a campaign by the Centre for Suicide Prevention, informed by...

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    Energize Don’t Hide 2021 Individual Highlight: Iain Stewart

    Note: The following post is written by Iain Stewart, CEO at Genesis Land Development Corporation, an...

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    Hope, Belonging, and Purpose

    Why do people die by suicide? How can I help someone who is experiencing thoughts and feeling of sui...

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    #HowIEnergize – Mohammad Asif’s Story

    Why mental health matters to me and sharing my story. I’ve faced some significant health conce...

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    #HowIEnergize – Peter Spearing’s Story

    Why I energize… there is no scale of measurement but from within… I ride for fitness, the sp...

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    Yalda’s Journey Through Postpartum Depression, Anxiety and Psychosis

    I’m Yalda, and I’m a survivor of postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety and psychosis. I shar...

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    Support Mental Health In Calgary this Holiday Season!

    For much of my life I felt stagnant. I had no direction. No purpose. No meaning. I was born with eve...

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